The Extended Family was formalized in 2005 after a group of economically challenged African American women decided that the key to saving their children from poor self-esteem, community violence and other social economic issues was to unite. These women were mothers, grandmothers, foster parents, aunties, an educator, a nurse and therapist, homemaker raising their own children or aiding in raising someone else’s children. Together they formed a body of leaders called the Founders. They recognized the value and benefit in uniting for a common cause. They discussed burdens and triumphs and societal changes and the short term and long-term impact those changes would have on the children while planning events that would educate, entertain and engage youth and families. The conversations were remanence of the conversation they had while gathering to create costumes and props, and themes for the annual parades. The ladies recognize the need to continue providing safe, fun engaging, educational activities for youth and families for free. They were inspired and had a desire to keep growing and keep giving. They recognized the benefits first hand beginning with their own children and friends.
The Founders made a commitment to collaborate with individuals and organizations that are concerned about families in our community. They learned how to work together, they saw value in the role they played in the community and in their families. Families seem to be less stressed; they began sharing resources with each other, they felt like their contributions were making a difference in the lives of others.
They learned with little money, and limited resources together they could be a bridge, a force, a hand up instead of a handout. This empowered the group to focus on healing thyself, family and community despite their circumstances.
They were able to present a well wrapped package of entertainment through the cultural programs. Others marveled at the transformation they saw in the ladies and their children. Was it possible by changing perception, changing attitudes, changing direction and taking responsibility for self, family and community our families could be better, healthier, stronger, focused and determined. All of these factors and benefits translated into the development of a healing circle, a free zone that created an atmosphere that birthed and delivered a driven group of passionate women from diverse walks of life, with all different interest, talents and skills maturity and judgment and they were willing to share these learning treasure with other. They Extended themselves regularly to promote our mission. This energetic feeling from one woman to the next. These women who appeared shy, sometimes aloft, angry, silly, confused not able to lead anyone were motivated and empowered and they held a lofty title to go with the work that was being done. They were FOUNDERS.
All of the Extended Family programs were designed to serve the needs of the community. One founder was assigned to lead each activity the women contributed seed money to develop the programs that included the uplifting of their children. A committee worked directly with the lead founder to ensure key components of the programs planning included, food, marketing, collaborative partners, location, supplies, and deadline dates. Obtaining support from the families, and community partners were employed along with grants had the potential to be strongholds wheeling dictating the focus of our service and excreting power based on funding. We refuse to take funds that placed demands on how we should raise our families and jeopardize the group connectiveness. We vowed to work program by program with whatever means we were blessed to receive. We would lead by dedicating our, time, skills and, resources.
The Extended Family Organizational Chart
Keesha McMillian City of South Euclid
Patricia Barker- City of Lyndhurst
Jeanette Conner-City of Euclid
Marilyn Doss- City of Cleveland Heights
Carrie Gary- City of Cleveland
Glennie Howard- City of East Cleveland
Wilhelmina Singleton-City of Cleveland Heights
Susie Wilkerson- City of Cleveland
Norma Brown- Inactive
Ethel Banks- Deceased
Arnella Stewart- Deceased
2021 Founders Board
Keesha McMillian, President
TBD-Vice President
Jeanette Conner-Treasury
Michelle Parker- Historian
Simone Wright- Secretary
TBD- Secretary
Tara Peterson-Member -at-Large